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My "why" might be the same as yours...

If you believe that making a positive impact in the world starts with making changes in you, we should probably be friends!

How did I get here?

The short answer: I traveled around the world and learned who I am.

The long answer... requires a coffee.

The medium answer goes like this:


When I was a child, I could see the world without ever leaving my backyard, through pure imagination or simply writing about it. Growing up outside of Vancouver, Canada meant we were surrounded by mountains, rivers and the ocean and I spent most of my time pretending to be Indiana Jones or Carmen San Diego, depending on my outfit. No matter where I was, I cared about people and the planet.

Somehow, deep down, I always knew that I needed to do "something big".

Continually searching for the practical route, it wasn’t until a year after I was graduated university and unhappily employed, that a good friend of mine (who is now my husband!) helped me realize that it wouldn’t be practical at all if I wasn’t following my passion.


So, I started working with kids. If you ever want to learn about yourself, work with kids. In specific, I began working as a behaviorist to support autism and executive functioning challenges.

woman snorkeling holding peace sign
woman with parrots
man and woman smiling at the camera

Here we are...

12 years later, I'm an executive function support specialist, certified breathwork practitioner, and mindfulness coach. All of these are just the grown-up way of saying what the child version of me cared about: helping people and the planet. 

(And she'd be happy to know that she's still a writer, too.)

Why do I do this? Healed women, heal others. I believe that there are techniques we could all be using to manage ourselves better in this wild world. There's no one-size fits all, and I'm never going to tell you otherwise. We're all where we are because of the experiences we've had. You know what that means? YOU get to inject what you learn here and mold it into your life, not the other way around. Copy and paste should never apply to people.

Mindfulness means looking inside yourself. It means being aware of your actions and how even what seems like a micro decision has a ripple effect both in your life, and others'. So, let's learn how to be positive about it, girl.

It's so exciting you're here!

My mission is encouraging women to find mindfulness and meaning in their everyday. 


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